
Psychological and Autism Diagnostic Assessments

What is a comprehensive psychological assessment?

A comprehensive psychological assessment (including an Autism diagnostic assessment) provides in-depth information based on data from standardized testing, direct observation, and information provided by parents, school staff, or other individuals involved in your life. A written report provided at the end of the assessment process outlines testing results, diagnostic considerations, referrals to applicable services, and practical suggestions on how to build upon your areas of strength and how to work on areas of need.

How can psychological testing help?

A comprehensive psychological assessment/Autism diagnostic assessment can be used to:

  • Give detailed information regarding an individual’s strengths and areas of need;
  • Provide suggestions on how to build upon an individual’s strengths and interests;
  • Provide suggestions regarding how to address social, emotional, or behavioural concerns at  home or school;
  • Assist in identification of a child or youth as an Exceptional Pupil in the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process at school;
  • Assist in development of a child or youth’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP);
  • Provide suggestions on what learning strategies, accommodations, or modifications would be appropriate for a child or youth at school;
  • Identify appropriate college, university, and workplace accommodations based on an individual’s overall psychological and learning profile;
  • Provide documentation of a diagnosis for access to support services or benefits, as appropriate (e.g.,: Ontario Autism Program, Special Services at Home, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, Ontario Disability Support Program, Developmental Services Ontario, Ontario Student Assistance Program).

Where is the assessment located?

Assessments are completed at our offices in Toronto, Fergus, and Owen Sound, or in some circumstances, virtually. When appropriate, observations within community settings, such as preschool or other programs can be arranged.

How much does the assessment process cost?

A flat fee is charged for the entire assessment, which includes all appointments, report writing, travel, and feedback meeting. Some or all of the assessment costs may be covered under extended health benefits.

Contact us to Schedule a Psychological or Autism Assessment

Dalton Associates (DA) and Launch Behavioural Health acknowledge that we are situated on Turtle Island, that has been inhabited by Indigenous Peoples from the beginning. As a settler-owned organization, we are always working on de-colonizing our practices and offering mental health services that reflect a wholistic approach to health and wellness. Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds, and include First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. We want to do more than make a difference at an individual level: we aspire to support a societal shift in the way that mental health is addressed and cared for, and we believe that a cross-cultural approach, bringing Indigenous worldviews to the forefront, is necessary to help break the system and rebuild it in a way that promotes healthy wellbeing for future generations. We are actively engaged in changing the landscape of mental health care in Ontario, by augmenting (and compensating) the voices and experiences of Indigenous knowledge keepers, and by incorporating Indigenous values and teachings in our program models.